Volunteer Today!

Come experience the joy of giving back to your community!  Volunteer shifts are available Monday - Friday.

Volunteer Location: 834 N. Highland Ave. Aurora IL (Drive-thru service)

Monday         9:00 am - 3:00 pm  Sort donations, stock shelves
Wednesday   9:00 am - 3:00 pm Sharing food - West Pantry
Thursday       9:00 am - 3:00 pm Sort donations, stock shelves
Friday            9:00 am - 4:30 pm  Sharing Food - West Pantry
Saturday       9:00 am - 12:00 pm Sharing Food - East Pantry

West Pantry Location: 834 N. Highland Ave. Aurora IL
East Pantry Location: 801 Zeigler Ave. Aurora, IL

Contact: [email protected] or call #(630) 897.5431

Shorter 2-3 hour shifts are avialable! All support is needed and appreciated.

Marie's Pantry Volunteers are the backbone of our compassionate community, sharing healthy produce, deli, dairy, frozen meat and baked goods with households in need.  Group volunteer visits are welcome!

Volunteers also help organize and host incredible fundraising events throughout the year, such as "Garden Harvest Dinner" in August, and "Fill the Bowls - Taste of Fox Valley" in October.

What do Marie's Pantry Volunteers do?

  • Share Food with guests on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday
  • Drive Food Rescue vans to grocery stores
  • Stock shelves and unload donations
  • Community garden care
  • East High Student Food Day
  • Healthy cooking demonstrations
  • Host a food drive with neighbors

Volunteer at Marie Wilkinson Pantry & Gardens

White fork and spoon

What days are you available?
Most shifts are between 8:30am - 3pm
Check if you need volunteer hours recorded for:

Marie's West Pantry - 834 N. Highland Ave. Aurora

Marie's East Pantry - 801 Zeigler Ave. Aurora

Marie's on Fourth St. (Church - Iglesia Carismatica Jesucristo es la Verdad) - 551 4th St. Aurora

Volunteer at Marie's Pantry, Farm & Gardens!


Relieve Hunger,
Nourish Lives

Our mission is to continue the legacy of Marie Wilkinson, dedicated to meeting the hunger needs of individuals and their families. Empowering people to be self-sustainable through collaborations and partnerships in Aurora and the surrounding community.