Pantry Programs


Cooking Classes

Live class with guest chefs in Marie's Garden.  Video classes too!

Community Gardens

Rent a plot to grow veggies for your household and neighbors.

Link $$ Match at Farmer's Markets

Double your LINK dollars at Aurora Farmers Markets.


Student Food Day at East High School

Groceries shared two Thursdays each month after school.

Veterans Pantry at VA Clinic

Cereal, canned goods and more available daily at Hines VA Clinic.

Senior Home Deliveries 

Packed with protein, vitamins and minerals for strength!


Urban Farm

Help plant and harvest for the food pantry.  Learn to garden!

Composting Food Scraps

100 lbs of compost for garden soil is made every week!

Food Rescue

Volunteer drivers pick up 40 grocery store donations weekly.


Vision Testing Days

Aurora Lions club offers free vision testing to help guests get the prescriptions they need.

Local Farm Partners

Volunteer to help local farmers harvest for the food pantry!

Host a Mobile Pantry

Partner with us to nourish households in your community.

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Relieve Hunger,
Nourish Lives

Our mission is to continue the legacy of Marie Wilkinson, dedicated to meeting the hunger needs of individuals and their families. Empowering people to be self-sustainable through collaborations and partnerships in Aurora and the surrounding community.