Donate Today!
Every gift matters!
Thank you for sustaining the daily work of ensuring no one in our community goes hungry. Any amount is appreciated.
Monthly Giving is GOOD for Marie's Pantry!
- Saves time, money and resources
- Predictable funds to meet increased food costs
- Builds long term capacity for growth
Monthly Giving is GOOD for Donors too!
- Convenient 1-time online sign up
- Welcome gift and special invitations
- More updates, fewer 'asks'
Become a GEM DONOR by Giving Every Month!
Set up a recurring monthly payment, (takes less than 2 minutes!)
Donate any amount per month to help sustain the daily work of Marie's Pantry.
All donations are tax-deductable. Receive an Itemized Donation Receipt at year end. Get started today>
Donations of any size are welcome! Every $1 buys $8 of food from our hunger relief partners. Donate today >
Annual fundraising events such as Garden Harvest Dinner, Fill the Bowls - Taste of Fox Valley and the Taco Crawl are fun ways to support the pantry and connect with our community of support.
Show that your business or organization is committed to ending hunger!
Call Diane Renner, executive director at #(630) 897-5431 ext.5 to learn more, or email [email protected]
Make a tribute gift "In Honor of" or "In Memory of" a friend or family member.
Charitable Holiday Gifts on behalf of friends and family is a great idea too!
Did you know that you can designate Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry as a beneficiary in your will?
Here is some suggested language to share with your attorney for an expandable, unrestricted bequest:
I give, devise and bequeath to Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation having its principle offices in the City of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, the sum of $ ______( or XX percent of my estate; or the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) for the general and charitable purposes.
To ensure that your long-term philanthropic objectives will be fulfilled, please contact us for sample language if you wish to make a restricted bequest.
IRA Rollover Provision
Did you know that you can now donate up to $100,000 from your IRA to charity without incurring federal income tax or early withdrawal penalties?
In December 2010, the government signed into law the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization and Job Creation Act of 2010, which provides a two-year extension of the popular IRA charitable rollover provision.
For a limited time, this legislation allows individuals who are at least 70 ½ years old to make outright charitable gifts – up to $100,000 per person – from their traditional or Roth IRAs, federal income tax- free.
There are other ways to contribute that may provide tax benefits for you as well:
- Donor Advised Fund – Easy to set-up and one of the most tax-advantageous ways to give. You can direct that a donation from the fund be made to Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry whenever you wish.
- Appreciated Securities – Stocks and mutual funds can be donated directly to Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry. Your donation and tax deduction is based on the market value of the security and you avoid paying tax on any appreciated value.
As always, please consult your tax advisor.
Please let us know if you plan to contribute in one of these ways. Should you wish to contribute appreciated securities, we’ll supply the account and DTC numbers your advisor will need.